Daily Dash =]

Suddenly, out of the darkness i sore a shadow i didn't
no what it was it was tall i didn't no what to do then a
bright light came out . All i could see was this bright bright
light the light went away . Then i sore some more shadow
there must of been about five shadows . It got cold and it started
to rain . As it got darker and colder i got more worried
i didn't no what to do i started to walk home the shadow was
right be hind me . Then a tall shadow jumped out at me .
I screamed and started running . Then i heard some kids
making noses.I stopped i and looked back and i one of my friends
they said what are you doing outside this late its dark and its raining .
I said there was a shadow over there she said you mean them and
my friend jumped out i .
I said so it was you all along why would you do that to me .
they said we sore you walking and we followed you and then you sore us .
I said yea i new it was you all a long . Then we went home and my mum
made us a Milo and we had some cake .
Then mum said ok girls time to go to bed and you can go and watch some
movies in bed we said ok . I asked mum if we could have some popcorn mum
said yes but don't make a mess we went to bed and i said i will just go
and get the popcorn. I said don't put the mover on with out me . i went and
got the popcorn and we watch some movies and had popcorn .
And from that night on i don't go out when its really dark all by my self .

My Friends =)

My friends are Brooke , Samantha , Sarah , Bridget , Caitlin , Lana , Leah , Peta , Kaz , Tamar , Niki, Karen ....
BROOKE'S favorite colours are Green , Purple , Blue And Orange !!!!
SAMANTHA'S favorite colour is Blue !!!!
SARAH'S favorite colour is
BRIDGET'S favorite colour is Green !!!!
HANNAH'S favorite colour is Green !!!!
They are my main friends that i play with at play and lunch time !!!!

Stage Challenge =)

Last Tuesday a group of kids from kaitoa intermediate School we to the Convention Center to preform Stage Challenge . There was five schools there . I was happy because i was with my friends Brooke , Samantha , Tamar , Sarah and lots more friends were there to .

Speeches =)

Last week Expressive Academy had speeches in the library .But i didn't make it in to the finals but we all had to stand up in front of the class and say a speech for three minutes it was the longest three minutes . My speech was about Mammals . We had to researched for a few weeks . I didn't make it to the finals . But at least I tryed . Bridget was my buddy she had to mark me on how well I did she thought i did well but shes my Friend and Friends all ways say things like that .

Me =]

ME :Hi my name is Sam I am 12 years old I have two best friends there names are Brooke and Bridget I go to Kaitao Middle School I am in room 16 Expressive . My teachers name is Miss English . She is a cool teacher . I am happy when I am with my friends and family . I LOVE butter chicken and chocolate . I LOVE the colour ORANGE , BLUE ,GREEN and PURPLE . i have two cats .